I. St. John Gaddis
II. St. Simon Thassi
III. St. Judas Maccabaeus
IV. St. Eleazar Avaran,
V. St. Jonathan Apphus
The Seven Holy Maccabee Martyrs
I. St. Abim
II. St. Antonius
III. St. Gurias
IV. St. Eleazar
V. St. Eusebonus
VI. St. Alimus
VII. St. Marcellus
Vow of Loyalty
I do hereby solemnly swear to uphold, to protect, to honor, and to defend the LORD God, His only son Jesus Christ, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, to the death, against any and all enemies foreign and domestic. I do hereby pledge obedience and submission to the will of the LORD God, to the will of His only son Jesus Christ, and to the laws and teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. By my blood, my honor, and my own free will, I make this vow unto eternity.
Jason Nicholas Corning
1 Feast of the ETERNAL FATHER, The Circumcision of Our Lord
2 Saint Macarius, Saint Fulgentius
3 Saint Genevieve
4 Saint Angela of Foligno, Saint Gregory, Bishop
5 Saint Simeon Stylites
6 Feast of the EPIPHANY
7 Saint Lucian
8 Saint Claude Apollinaris
9 Saints Julian and Basilissa
10 Saint William
11 Saint Theodosius
12 Saint Margaret Bourgeoys, Saint Aelred or Alfred
13 Baptism of Our Lord, Saint Veronica of Milan
14 Saint Hilary
15 Saint Paul Hermit
16 Saint Marcellus I, Blessed Stephanie Quinzani, Saint Honoratus
17 Saint Anthony of the Desert
18 Saint Peter's chair in Rome
19 Saint Canutus
20 Saint Sebastian
21 Saint Agnes
22 Saint Vincent, Martyr
23 Saint Raymond of Pennafort
24 Saint Timothy
25 The Conversion of Saint Paul
26 Saint Polycarp
27 Saint John Chrysostom
28 Saint Peter Nolasco
29 Saint Francis of Sales
30 Saint Martina
31 Saint John Bosco
1 Saint Ignatius, Martyr, Saint Bridgid of Ireland
2 The Purification or Candlemas-day
3 Saint Blaise
4 Saint Andrew Corsini, Saint Jane of Valois
5 Saint Agatha,. The Martyrs of Japan
6 Saint Titus, Saint Dorothy
7 Saint Romuald
8 Saint John of Matha
9 Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Saint Apollonia
10 Saint Scholastica
11 Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Severinus
12 The Seven Holy Servite Founders, Saint Benedict of Anian
13 Saint Catherine of Ricci, Blessed Bishop Ambrose Leblanc
14 Saint Valentine
15 Saint Faustinus and Saint Jovita
16 Saint Onesimus, Blessed John de Britto
17 Saint Francis Regis Clet, Saint Flavian
18 Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Saint Simeon
19 Saint Conrad of Piacenza, Saint Barbatus
20 Saint Eucherius
21 Blessed Didace Pelletier, Saint Severianus
22 St. Peter's Chair at Antioch
23 Saint Peter Damian, Saint Serenus
24 Saint Matthias, Blessed Robert of Arbrissel
25 Saint Tarasius
26 Saint Mechtildis of Hackeborn, Saint Porphyry
27 Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Saint Leander
28 Saints Romanus and Lupicinus, Saint Oswald
1 St. Albinus, St. David
2 Bl. Henry Suzo, St. Simplicius
3 St. Cunegundes
4 St. Casimir
5 St. John Joseph of the Cross, Sts. Adrian and Eubulus
6 St. Colette
7 St. Thomas Aquinas
8 St. John of God
9 St. Frances of Rome
10 The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
11 St. Eulogius
12 St. Gregory the Great
13 St. Euphrasia
14 St. Mathilda
15 St. Clement Mary Hofbauer, St. Zachary
16 St. Abraham, Solitary
17 St. Patrick
18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem
20 Saint Brother Andrew of Mount Royal, St. Wulfran
21 St. Benedict
22 St. Catherine of Sweden
23 Sts. Victorian and his Companions
24 St. Gabriel Archangel
26 St. Ludger
27 St. John Damascene, St. John of Egypt
28 St. John Capistran, St. Gontran
29 Sts. Jonas and Barachisius
30 St. John Climacus
31 St. Nicholas of Flüe, St. Benjamin, St. Simon, Infant Martyr
1 St. Hugh
2 St. Francis of Paula
3 St. Richard of Chichester
4 St. Benedict of Palermo, St. Isidore of Seville
5 St. Vincent Ferrer
6 St. Celestine
7 St. Juliana of Mt. Cornillon, St. Hegesippus, Bl. Herman Joseph of Steinfeld
8 Bl. Mary Assunta, St. Perpetuus
9 St. John the Almsgiver, St. Mary of Egypt
10 St. Michael de los Santos, St. Bademus
11 St. Gemma Galgani, St. Leo the Great
12 Bl. Catherine of St. Augustine, St. Julius
13 St. Hermenegild
14 St. Lydwina, St. Benezet
15 St. Peter Gonzales, St. Paternus
16 St. Benedict Joseph Labre, The Eighteen Martyrs of Saragossa, St. Encratis or Engratia
17 St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Anicetus
18 Bl. Mary of the Incarnation, Carmelite, St. Apollonius
19 St. Elphege
20 St. Agnes of Montepulciano, St. Marcellinus
21 St. Anselm
22 St. Soter, St. Leonides
23 St. Peter Chanel
St. George
24 St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
25 St. Mark
26 Our Lady of Good Counsel, Sts. Cletus and Marcellinus
27 St. Peter Canisius, St. Zita
28 St. Louis Mary de Montfort, St. Paul of the Cross, St. Vitalis
29 St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo
St. Peter of Verona
St. Hugh, Abbot of Cluny
30 St. Catherine of Siena
1 Saint Joseph the Worker
2 Saint Athanasius
3 The Finding of the Holy Cross
4 Saint Monica
5 Saint Pius V
6 Saint Dominic Savio, Saint John Before the Latin Gate
7 Saint Stanislaus
8 The Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel
9 Saint Gregory Nazianzen
10 Saint Isidore of Madrid, Saint Antoninus
11 Sts. Philip and James, Saint Mammertus
12 Saint Imelda, Saint Epiphanius
13 Our Lady of Fatima, Saint Robert Bellarmine, Saint John the Silent
14 Saint Michael Garicoits, Saint Pachomius
15 Saint John-Baptist de LaSalle, Sts. Peter and Dionysia
16 Saint Simon Stock, Saint John Nepomucene, Saint Brendan
17 Saint Paschal Baylon
18 Saint Felix of Cantalice, Saint Venantius
19 Saint Peter Celestine
20 Saint Bernardine of Siena
21 Saint Andrew Bobola, Saint Hospitius
22 Saint Rita of Cascia, Saint Yves
23 Saint Jeanne-Antide Thouret, Saint Julia
24 Our Lady, Help of Christians, Sts. Donatian and Rogatian
25 Saint Gregory VII
26 Saint Philip Neri
27 Saint Bede the Venerable
28 Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Saint Germanus of Paris
29 Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, Saint Cyril, martyr
30 Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Felix I
31 The Queenship of Mary, Saint Petronilla
1 Saint Angela Merici, Saint Justin, Saint Pamphilus
2 Saint Mary of the Incarnation, Saint Pothinus and Companions
3 The Holy Martyrs of Uganda, Saint Clotilda
4 Saint Francis Caracciolo
5 Saint Boniface
6 Saint Norbert
7 Saint Claude, Saint Robert of Newminster
8 Saint Medard
9 Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Saints Primus and Felicianus, Saint Columba or Columkille
10 Saint Margaret of Scotland
11 Saint Barnabas
12 Saint John of Sahagun
13 Saint Anthony of Padua
14 Saint Basil the Great
15 Saint Germaine Cousin, Saints Vitus, Crescentia and Modestus
16 Saint John Francis Regis
17 Saint Avitus
18 Saint Ephrem, Saints Marcus and Marcellianus
19 Saint Juliana Falconieri
20 Saint Sylverius, Pope
21 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
22 Saint Paulinus of Nola
23 Saint Mary of Oignies, Saint Etheldreda
24 Nativity of Saint John Baptist
25 Saint William of Vercelli, Saint Prosper of Aquitaine
26 Saints John and Paul, Martyrs
27 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Saint Ladislas
28 Saint Irenaeus
29 Saints Peter and Saint Paul
30 The Commemoration of Saint Paul
1 Precious Blood of Jesus, Saint Gal
2 Visitation of Our Lady
3 Saint Leon II, pope, Saint Heliodorus
4 Saint Bertha
5 Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria, Saint Peter of Luxemburg
6 Saint Thomas More, Saint Goar, Saint Palladius
7 Saints Cyril and Methodus, Saint Pantænus
8 Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
9 Saint Maria Goretti
10 Saint Felicity and her seven sons
11 Saint Pius I, pope, Saint James of Nisibis
12 Saint John Gualbert
13 Saint Anacletus, pope, Saint Eugenius
14 Saint Bonaventure
15 Saint Henry II
16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
17 Saint Alexius
18 Saint Camillus of Lellis
19 Saint Vincent de Paul
20 Saint Jerome Emilian, Saint Margaret of Antioch
21 Blessed Francis de Montmorency Laval, Saint Victor of Marseille
22 Saint Mary Magdalene
23 Saint Apollinarius
24 Saint Christina
25 Saint James the Greater
26 Saint Anne
27 Saint Pantaleon
28 Saints Nazarius and Celsus
29 Saint Martha
30 Saints Abdon and Sennen, Saint Germanus of Auxerre
31 Saint Ignatius of Loyola
1 Saint Peter's Chains
2 Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Saint Stephen I, Pope
3 Saint Peter-Julian Eymard, The Finding of Saint Stephen's Relics
4 Saint Dominic, Blessed Father Frederick Janssoone of Ghyvelde
5 Our Lady of the Snow
6 The Transfiguration of Our Lord
7 Saint Cajetan of Thiena
8 Saint Cyriacus and his Companions, Blessed Peter Favre
9 Saint John Vianney, Saint Romanus
10 Saint Lawrence
11 Saint Philomena, Saint Tiburtius, Saint Susanna
12 Saint Clare of Assisi
13 The Dormition of Mary, Saint Radegundes
14 Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Saint Eusebius
16 Saint Roch, Saint Joachim
17 Saint Hyacinth, Saint Liberatus and his companions
18 Saint Helen, Saint Agapetus
19 Saint John Eudes, Saint Louis of Toulouse
20 Saint Bernard
21 Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
22 The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saint Symphorian
23 Saint Philip Benizi
24 Saint Bartholomew, Saint Emily de Vialar
25 Saint Louis, King of France, Saint Mary Micaela
26 Saint Zephyrinus
27 Saint Joseph Calasanctius
28 Saint Augustine
29 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
30 Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Fiaker
31 Saint Raymund Nonnatus
1 Giles
2 St. Stephen, King of Hungary
3 St. Pius X
St. Seraphia and St. Sabina
4 St. Rose of Viterbo
5 St. Lawrence Justinian
6 St. Rosalia, St. Eleutherius
7 St. Cloud or Clodoald
9 Peter Claver, St. Omer
10 St. Nicholas of Tolentino
11 St. John Gabriel Perboyre, St. Paphnutius
12 Holy Name of Mary, St. Guy of Anderlecht
13 St. Maurilius, St. Eulogius
14 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
15 The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Catherine of Genoa
16 St. Cyprian, St. Andrew Kim
17 The Stigmata of Saint Francis, St. Lambert
18 St. Joseph of Cupertino
19 Our Lady of La Salette, St. Januarius
20 Blessed Maximin Giraud, St. Eustachius and His Family
21 St. Matthew
22 St. Thomas of Villanova, St. Maurice and the Theban Legion
23 St. Linus, St. Thecla
24 Our Lady of Ransom
25 St. Vincent Strambi, St. Firmin, St. Finbarr
26 The Holy North American Martyrs
St. Cyprian
St. Justina
27 Sts. Cosmas and Damian
28 St. Wenceslas
29 St. Michael the Archangel
30 St. Jerome
1 St. Remi or Remigius
2 Holy Guardian Angels
3 St. Therese of the Child Jesus
St. Gerard, abbot
4 St. Francis of Assisi
5 St. Placid
6 St. Bruno
7 Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Mark, pope
8 St. Bridget
9 St. Louis Bertrand
St. Denis or Dionysius
10 St. Francis Borgia
11 The Divine Maternity of Mary, St. Tarachus
12 Bl. Jane Leber, St. Wilfrid
13 St. Edward, king of England
14 St. Callistus I
15 St. Teresa of Avila
16 St. Gerard Majella, St. Gall
17 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Hedwig
18 St. Luke
19 St. Peter of Alcantara
20 St. John Cantius
21 St. Ursula and her companions
22 St. Hilarion, St. Mello
23 The Most Holy Redeemer
St. Anthony-Mary Claret, St. Theodoret
24 St. Raphael the Archangel, St. Magloire
25 Sts. Chrysanthus and Dari, Sts. Crispin and Crispinian
26 St. Evaristus
27 St. Frumentius
28 Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles
29 St. Narcissus
30 St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, St. Marcellus, the Centurion and his children
31 St. Quentin
2 ALL SOULS DAY, St. Malachy d'Armagh
3 St. Martin de Porres
St. Hubert
4 St. Charles Borromeo
5 Feast of the Holy Relics, St. Bertilla
6 St. Leonard
7 St. Willibrord
8 St. Godfrey or Geoffroy
9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, St. Theodore Tyro
10 St. Andrew Avellino
11 St. Martin of Tours
12 St. Martin I, Pope
13 St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. Didacus or Diego
14 St. Josaphat, St. Laurence O'Toole
15 St. Albert the Great
16 St. Gertrude of Eisleben, St. Edmund of Canterbury
17 St. Gregory the Miracle Worker
18 Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul, St. Odon of Cluny
19 St. Elizabeth of Hungary
20 St. Felix of Valois
21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
22 St. Cecilia
23 St. Clement of Rome
24 St. John of the Cross
25 St. Catherine of Alexandria
26 St. John Berchmans, St. Peter of Alexandria
27 The Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Maximus
28 St. Catherine Labouré, St. James of the March
29 St. Saturninus
30 St. Andrew Apostle
1 St. Eloy or Eligius
2 St. Bibiana
3 St. Francis Xavier
4 St. Barbara
5 St. Sabas
6 St. Nicholas
7 St. Ambrose
9 St. Peter Fourier, St. Leocadia
10 Translation of the Holy House of Loretto, St. Eulalia
11 St. Damasus
12 Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Valery, St. Finan or Finian
13 St. Lucy
14 Bl. Melanie Calvat, St. Nicasius and his Companions
15 Bl. John the Discalced, St. Maximin, abbot
16 St. Eusebius
17 St. Olympia
18 St. Gatian
19 Bl. Urban V, St. Nemesion and companions
20 St. Dominic of Silos, St. Philogonius
21 St. Thomas
22 St. Frances Cabrini, St. Ischyrion
23 St. Marguerite d'Youville, St. Servulus
24 St. Charbel Mahklouf, St. Delphinus, Sts. Tarsilla and Emiliana
26 St. Stephen
27 St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
28 The Holy Innocents
29 St. Thomas Becket
30 St. Sabinus and his Companions
31 St. Sylvester
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus.
Jason NIcholas Corning
The Apostles of Infinite Love
of the Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God
About Us
The Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God, requested by the Most Blessed Virgin Herself at La Salette, France, was founded in Canada in 1962.
The Order includes priests and religious Brothers and Sisters, some of them coming from various Congregations for the purpose of preserving their respective identity and goals, but all following a common Rule: the one dictated by the Mother of God at La Salette in 1846 and approved by Leo XIII in 1879.
The Order also includes disciples, that is, lay members, either single or married, who live in the community of goods with the religious and share their labors. It also includes tertiaries, lay members living in the world, but more deeply involved in the activities of the Order than the ordinary faithful.
The Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God exists and operates under its own Hierarchy. Its faith, doctrine, tradition and practices are Christian Catholic. While firmly wishing to return to the evangelical simplicity of the early days of Christianity, the Order wants to keep intact the doctrinal teachings conveyed with continuity, throughout the ages, by the Saints and Doctors of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God, also known by the name The Apostles of Infinite Love, is legally recognized in Canada by a federal charter as well as a provincial charter in Quebec. Since 1973, The Apostles of Infinite Love are registered as a Charitable Organisation with Canada Revenue Agency. The Order likewise possesses charters in the United States, France, Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. The Order is also established in Italy and in South Africa.
Besides perpetual adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, prayer, study and work of all kinds, the Community lends itself to all the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. However, the particular goal of the Order is the preservation of the Deposit of the Faith by religious teaching in all its forms to adults and children. Another specific goal is the fight against all the abuses that have brought about the decadence of the clergy, the religious state and Christian society. The Order also labors in view of Christian unity, so desired by Jesus Christ: unity in the truth.
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus

Jason Nicholas Korning