Part I. Seeing Eye to Eye about the Judeo-Christian Tradition

This is not a Cornerstone, it is a Capstone. This is not the eye of God because the Judeo-Christian God did not build any gigantic pyramids and was not Egyptian. God's Angels spoke Hebrew. This means Up, Above, Top, Over, North, etc. All of this is the Capstone, the apex, of a building, not a Cornerstone which has always been located somewhere near the bottom and looked upon as an underlying part of the foundations.
This is not a Capstone, it is a Cornerstone, what some have referred to as the legendary Philosopher's Stone of the Foundation of the World, the Rock of Ages. It is nearly always below a building, or structure, while the Capstone lies above. This too is not the eye of God because the Judeo-Christian God did not hide like a coward beneath an upside-down pyramid when His people, the Israelites, were being murdered and enslaved by the Pharaoh. Instead, he sent ten horrific plaques and mighty cursings against the Egyptians as an initial retaliation until they agreed to set His people free once again. Sometimes in close connection to the Capstone seen above, this particular Ikon also happens to be a symbolic representation of many different, and highly important, Judeo-
Christian Biblical principles, ideas, and doctrines. Combined together with the Capstone, this particular insignia becomes the Star of David, The Joshua (Jesus) Star. In short, the Cornerstone means Down, Beneath, Bottom, and Under.
THE QUESTION- Which Symbol represents 666 and/or 999?
Here is a tentative understanding-
Three Eyes Above the Pyramid would be 666.
666 is the Number of the Beast on Earth
Three Eyes Below the Pyramid would be 999
999 is the Number of the Beast in Heaven
As just described, the Number of the Beast on Earth is 666, while in Heaven it is just the opposite 999. A long, long time ago, the Star of David (A Symmetrical Combination of Both Symbols) was created and utilized, as it still is today, by Judeo-Christian Angels and their rebel Hebrew allies, in order to confuse the Beast and his perfect, totalitarian identification system of control. The Star of David is the mark of a man, not an Angel, who without a God-given soul is simply .666 (Mind, Body, No Soul) rather than .667 (Mind, Body, and Soul).

OLD TESTAMENT: So the LORD put a Mark on Cain, lest anyone should kill him at sight. (Genesis 4:15)
NEW TESTAMENT: It forced all the people…to be given a Mark on their right hand or their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the Mark of the Beast. (Revelation 13:16-17)
The Number of Beast
OLD TESTAMENT: The number of gold pieces that Solomon received every year weighed 666 gold talents. (I Kings 10:14)
NEW TESTAMENT: This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the Number of the Beast, for it is the Number of a Man. His number is 666. (Revelation 13:18)
Topic ----- Eye Above __________ Eye Below
Standard: Above standard -------- Below standard
Technology: High tech ------------- Low tech
Internet: Log on-------------------- Log off
Urban: Uptown -------------------- Downtown
Class: High class ------------------ Low class
Greetings: What’s up? ------------- What’s going down?
Self-control: Lighten up ----------- Calm down
Patience: Wait up! ----------------- Slow down!
Qualify: Above all, it was wrong -- At bottom, it was wrong
Number: 666 ---------------------- 999
THE ANSWER- The House of David shall rule the world forever...
You will do as the LORD Your God has commanded you. You shall not turn aside to
The Left Hand or... the Right Hand.
You will never again turn aside unto crooked paths for all the rest of eternity.
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus.Jason Nicholas Korning