The Maccabee Catholic Table of Contents

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Morning Star, Part II. To the East and West of Rabbi Joshua

The Morning Star

I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you..I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

- Revelation 22:16

Part II. To the East and West of Rabbi Joshua

In the East, hen Byzantine civilization first started with the founding of Constantinople, a brand new world of the dead was formed that had none of the old ties to the ancient kingdoms of Greco-Roman Hades or the Jewish Sheol. All the old demons had been killed or chased away. Therefore, it was mostly the creative imagination of Rabbi Jesus and the early Jewish Saints that helped build the Eastern Kingdom of Heaven and not the Pagan gods of old. The result was an entirely new Christian Kingdom of God with almost no connection to the past, that was truly multi-racial and, in the end, much different than St. Peter’s Western Church with its Jewish (and Roman) roots. In time, language barriers between the East and the West eventually caused what most historians refer to as the Schism.

Theological differences notwithstanding, the major problem that caused this splitting of the Church was, of course, language. The dead in the East thought, wrote, and spoke in Greek telepathically, while the dead in the West communicated telepathically in Latin. This included two completely different types of alphabet as well. In short, the Latin alphabet that St. Peter eventually mastered, and took control over, was far different than the Greek text. Over the centuries, the Schism between the Eastern and Western Churches eventually caused two entirely different telepathic Communion of Saints to form. This wasn’t because there were now two different St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, or St. Mary’s. It was because nature itself had slowly made copies of the missing Saints in both the East and the West, including Rabbi Jesus who ruled supreme in the Eastern Kingdom of Heaven from the time of Constantinople’s founding until its destruction by the Communists during the 1917 Russian Revolution. Obviously in the highest reaches of Heaven, Jesus and the Saints were probably the same individuals, able to speak every language fluently. However, for all practical purposes here on Earth, the ghosts (or souls) of the Saints had duplicated themselves, much like a single plant or animal cell will reproduce, or divide, itself without fertilization, resulting in two cells which are nearly identical. This organic process of replication and separation occurred very slowly between Eastern and Western Christianity.

Centuries later, there remained very little contact between the two kingdoms of the dead. This caused the East to grow up wild, completely oblivious to Western history and the essentially Jewish roots of Christianity. Besides for the Islamic threat which overwhelmed Byzantium in 1453, the Orthodox Kingdom of God existed continuously and in harmony with nature for many centuries. Suffice it to say, Eastern Christianity remained much like a magical storybook kingdom, which tended to diversify and create other, little storybook kingdoms like Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, or Croatia, Slovenia, and Macedonia, for example. Their people, the Slavs, although very intelligent and clever, were also very innocent, sometimes naive creatures. The differences between the East and the West are as follows:

Differences: Eastern Christendom --- Western Christendom
Borders: Stable borders with little Expansion --- Constantly expanding borders.
Civilization: Byzantium --- Western
Territory: Eastern Europe, Greece --- Western Europe, America, Australia Capitals: Constantinople, Moscow --- Rome, Madrid, London,
Priests: Marriage Allowed --- Marriage Prohibited
Sabbath Day: Saturday --- Sunday, Saturday

The Morning Star, Part I. The Rabbi, the Archangel, the Only Son of God

The Morning Star, Part I. The Rabbi, the Archangel, the only Son of God

I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you..I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

- Revelation 22:16

Part I. The Rabbi, the Archangel, the only Son of God
As of now, the religion of Christianity is being practiced by over two billion people throughout the world. One of the main beliefs which they share in common is that Jesus Christ, the Jew from Nazareth, is the only Son of God, meaning the Archangel Lucifer, and is also the rightful heir to the throne of Israel. Those who practice Judaism continue to quietly disagree, but they only have around 13 million followers world-wide and are currently not reproducing themselves. Because of this, along with a large amount of intermarriage with Gentiles, there will continue to be fewer and fewer practicing Jews with every passing year.

Over the centuries, the Church has continued to emphasize the fact that Jesus is the only Son of God for a variety of reasons. First, legend has it that He is the lone survivor of a horrific war against Satan, the great, red dragon, where all the other Sons of God were killed while trying to protect God their Father from the evil forces of the Devil. Truth be told, this was more than just another fantasy or science fiction best-seller, but a very real Angel war that continues unto this very day.

In a sense, the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, was simply a convenient hiding place that, in desperation, the Holy Ghost used to conceal the whereabouts of the last remaining Son of God more than two thousand years ago. Nine months later, He was born in a manger in Bethlehem and became man. Jesus is also considered the one and only true archangel Lucifer and the Church insists that there has never been another in all of mankind’s history. The Bible states the following:

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present
themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

- Job 1:6

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
shouted for joy.

- Job 38:7

These two passages from the Old Testament relate to a much different time and place when God had many different Sons and was still married to Mother Nature, long before she was violently murdered by the goddess Diana, the moon, along with many other hateful Pagan goddesses who despised her natural beauty and power. Because the Roman Catholic Church already knew that there would be many Jews, and non-Jews, some of them willing converts to Christianity, who would attempt to claim themselves as the Messiah, the next Son of God, they made damn sure to declare Jesus as the one and only Son who would return someday to rule the earth forever. In reality, the official Church doctrine still maintains that Rabbi Jesus is now the one and only Archangel Lucifer. Wikipedia states the following:

In Revelation 2:16…it is Jesus who is described as the morning star. An echo of this Biblical use is found in the Roman Rite Roman liturgy, in which the Exultet chant in praise of the paschal candle refers to Christ as the morning star (in Latin Lucifer):

EXULTET CHANT of the Roman Catholic Church
WORDS IN ENGLISH: May the Morning Star which never
sets find this flame still burning: Christ, that Morning Star,
who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light
on all mankind, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
WORDS IN LATIN: Flammas eius lucifer matutinus inveniat: ille,
inquam, lucifer, qui nescit occasum, Christus Filius tuus qui,
regressus ab inferis, humano generi serenus illuxit, et vivit et
regnat in saecula saeculorum.

Another very important reason why the Church insisted that Jesus was the only Son of God, the only Archangel Lucifer, was because planet Earth revolved around only one star, the sun, even though the Pagans worshiped numerous different sun gods. This included the homosexual Greco-Roman god Apollo who, after Christianity was declared the official religion of the Roman Empire, immediately demanded that Rabbi Jesus needed to share His solar rule over the earth with himself. Because of this, the early Church fathers realized that any other so-called Son of God would simply be Apollo in disguise, who remained possibly violent, deceitful, and degenerate ever since he had been thrown down from Heaven into Hell to then become Satan.

Interestingly enough, the Book of Revelation strongly suggests that Jesus Christ has already ascended to the throne of God and that He is now looking for those who qualify to become one of His new Sons of God, so that He can have several different Sons, just like own His father did a long, long time ago.

He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I
will be his God, and he shall be my Son.

- Revelation 21:7

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Eye Below + The Eye Above = The Eyes of the Star of David

Saint Peter's Cross, Part III.

According to the grace of God given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation and another is building upon it. But each one must be careful how he builds upon it for no one can lay a foundation other than the one that is there, namely Rabbi Jesus.

- I Corinthians 3:10-11

I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him down into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more.

- Revelation 20:1-3

Greetings, I am a nobody scholar and devout member of the Roman Catholic Church who believes that the eye below the pyramid is an ancient secret that must be passed on to the next generation. Sorry to bother you, but I hope you can find the time, the patience, or perhaps just the plain curiosity to read this letter in its entirety. It’s somewhat interesting and may contain some information you may not have come across previously. All in all, it’s a fairly good read and well worth the effort of at least looking through it.

First of all, does anyone know anything about this symbol? No, I’m not referring to the already famous eye above the pyramid. I’m talking about the other symbol, the eye below the pyramid. This little known symbol is probably why the new brand of soda pop was called Seven-Up Upside Down. The rock band Live sings about it in their hit song Lightning Crashes. It’s also what the new, modern historians and scholars refer to as ‘history from below.’ It symbolizes stalactites, rather than stalagmites; valleys, not mountains; the undertow, rather than the waves. Studied carefully, it appears to be a rounded mound of earth heaped on top of a stone trapezoid foundation. At the bottom, the triangular eye rests perfectly balanced upon a singular point, thus making it the cornerstone for the entire structure. The Beatles specifically refer to thi
s eye below the pyramid in their song Hey Jude, ‘And any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain. Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders…’ The Holy Bible mentions or alludes to this symbol on numerous occasions as well.

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell
me if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements-
surely you know! Or who stretched a line upon it? On what were
its bases sunk or who laid its cornerstone?

- Job 38:4-6

Examined closely, it really does look like a pile of dirt on top of a rock, brick foundation. It even seems as if a portion of soil is sliding or falling off on the left side- much like a possible logo for the Flat Earth Society. One thing I have become more and more certain of is that this symbol was drawn deliberately to be seen and understood both right-side up and upside down, like quite a few other famous paintings. It is certainly no mere coincidence. We may not see eye to eye about this right away, but the evidence that follows can and will change your mind. Coincidence? No way.

The next question worth asking is whether or not this is all some sort of deep, dark secret. Why else would the nickname for the secret headquarters of British Intelligence be called Foggy Bottom? It this all some sort of cover-up? Or have I exposed something undercover? I hope so, because this centuries-old secret needs to end and become a small part of today’s and tomorrow’s common knowledge. Everyone should be in on the know, so to speak. For this reason, I am sending this letter to as many intellectuals and other thinkers as possible and I urge them to share it with friends and acquaintances. Get the word out! ‘Announce and publish it among the nations; publish it; hide it not.’ (Jeremiah 50:2) Call me a radical wobbly, but I insist that the people be told the truth.

I first encountered this symbol back in 1995, years before I finally fell victim to acute paranoid schizophrenia. As a hobby during this time, I was interested in conspiracy theories, reading books like Pat Robertson’s New World Order among many others. Hindsight being 20/20, I must admit most of these books were somewhat absurd and ridiculous. Even at the time I considered any Zionist or Jewish conspiracy to be total horse manure. From what I knew about Jews personally is that many of them were from old-fashioned, traditional Eastern European families who still believed in a Biblical God. Their attitudes, beliefs and behavior were little different from most Christian families.

Even so, there are those who may ask accusingly why some of them were communist and others capitalist. The Soviet Jewish conspiracy, a lie that has been believed in by otherwise intelligent people, remains unconvincing once you discover that Stalin got rid of the vast majority of Jews from any significant positions of power within the Soviet Union during the Great Purges of the 1930s. At the time, most of the Soviet military officers that were Jewish were either shot immediately or died later in the Gulag. The aftermath made it clear that, even in Communist Russia, the Jews were still the ruled rather than the rulers.

Some anti-Semites will point to the fact that Lenin was part Jewish, Trotsky was fully Jewish, and Karl Marx was a pure-blooded Jewish convert to Christianity. Remember, Lenin was never circumcised and died after being in power for less than seven years. Trotsky was stabbed to death with an ice pick in Mexico by his former ‘comrades’, while Marx dabbled in Satanism at University and viciously attacked Jews and Judaism, in writing, several times. None of them practiced or believed in Judaism. It was Josef Stalin, a Gentile ‘Christian’, who brutally attacked the Russian Orthodox Church and murdered its clergy, not the Jews. In practice, International Communism was little more than White Russian, ethnocentric socialism, a lot less deadly than Germany’s National Socialism, but deadly nevertheless. One could say that both regimes were for the ruling class ethnic majority, whether they were Slavic or Teutonic. By any measure, the USSR was anti-Semitic nearly its entire existence. Jewish aspirations for equality within an atheist, socialist ‘paradise’ were never realized. If there ever was any sort of conspiracy, it involved misplaced Jewish loyalties, an exchange of their centuries-long trust in God and self for a sudden, inexplicable trust in Gentile strangers and godless, romantic, utopian politics. The final results, with more than a million Jews having already fled the former Soviet Union in recent decades, speak for themselves.

In addition to this, the international Jewish banking conspiracy appears highly unlikely when one examines who actually owns and runs the largest and most powerful banking firms in today’s world. With the exception of Goldman Sachs, most of them are either Japanese or European, not Jewish. The conspiracy-minded always fixate on the fact that the Federal Reserve is privately owned. Yes it is, but almost none of the original owners were or are Jewish. In fact, every bank that was involved in the formation of the Federal Reserve is now a multi-national corporation that is publicly traded on the stock exchange. Because of this anyone can own a portion of the Federal Reserve, at least indirectly. Jewish ownership in the system is minimal. It is actually quite unfortunate that the age of the Rothschilds, the world’s most powerful Jewish family of bankers, has ended. Because of their pacifist policies and investment strategies, they brought more wealth to more people than perhaps any other family in history. Even at the time, they were the exception rather than the rule.

The so-called Zionist conspiracy is also a joke. Zionism consists of personally accepting that the Jewish nation-state of Israel has the right to exist. In light of the Holocaust, I’d call that little more than simple decency. Refusing to do so is much like the cruelty of school-yard bullies that just can’t seem to leave the new Jewish kid alone. It takes more courage to defend the disliked than to defame them. Amazingly, Islam’s one billion people, many of them extremely hostile to Jews, will accuse Israel, with seven million citizens on a tiny sliver of land, of being the actual bully. More amazingly, agnostic Europe still occasionally agrees with such nonsense. What’s my conclusion? The only real conspiracy is that of the pigeons, many of them former Rabbis. Their origins remain mysterious and they have lived, almost exclusively, in towns and cities since the days of ancient Babylon. After having observed them for many years, I suspect them to be far more intelligent than you or I would have ever imagined. They just hide it from us, the rude giants called humans.

The Freemasonry conspiracy also seems like horse manure considering that many Masons are devout Christians as well. Why would a world-wide organization of mostly older Christian men attempt to plan a global, pagan, totalitarian dictatorship to destroy Christianity? It didn’t make any sense at all. The truth is that Freemasonry was, and probably still is, very anti-Catholic. The historical facts clearly show that many of them plotted for centuries to secure as much freedom and independence from Vatican City as possible. The assassination of the first and only Roman Catholic President, John F. Kennedy, in a nation founded by Freemasons, by a bullet that apparently defied the very laws of physics, remains quite troubling. This does not mean the Freemasons were responsible, but it also does not mean they are completely innocent. Besides, Freemasonry is now a failing organization that most Evangelical Protestant Christians of today refuse to join. Because of this, the Masons will continue to dwindle in numbers and power as the years go by. In comparison, Roman Catholicism still grows steadily as immigration from Latin America continues. Their children will end up Knights of Columbus and not Freemasons. As it states in the Wall Street Journal, ‘Let there be open borders.’ A future Latin American Pope is more than likely. Meanwhile, serious researchers have discovered more than a little nonsense in some of Freemasonry’s ultra-secret rites and ceremonies, including a whopping 33 different levels, or degrees, of membership. The adventurous, glory days of secretly conspiring against ‘all-powerful’ Popes and Kings are slowly coming to an end. Christianity continues, as does Judaism and Islam.

One possible conspiracy never mentioned, but worth noting, is that of male circumcision. For whatever reason, the United States is one of the only nations besides Israel and Muslim countries that circumcise their male children. This is a fairly recent phenomenon, most of it occurring after World War II. The practice is virtually unknown in Europe and Asia. Calling it standard medical procedure or claiming it is done for purposes of hygiene doesn’t really explain why Japan and Sweden, with comparable medical expertise, do not practice it. One historian may provide some clues to the puzzle:

All this is of significance because it is concerned with the fact
that there is an age-old Western tradition, much battered
and destroyed in recent generations, that has sent up new,
living shoots of vigorous growth since 1945.

- Tragedy & Hope, by Carroll Quigley, p.1232

Also intriguing is the fact that the future king of Great Britain, Prince Charles, is circumcised in a nation where literally no one else is, besides for Jewish and Muslim citizens. I believe that this conspiracy, if it actually is one, should prosper. As Jesus once stated about the old laws, which included mandatory circumcision for males, ‘Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.’ (Matthew 5:17) Hopefully, this process will continue and become a permanent Christian tradition that will branch out into other countries until all the nations on earth routinely circumcise their male children. However, the question of how it became a standard American medical practice and who was behind it remains unanswered. Nevertheless, future generations should take heed of the warning that, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the Mosaic practice, you cannot be saved.’ (Acts 15:1)

The present American situation of Christian Gentiles circumcising their male children may not last unfortunately. One never knows when the political fringe will organize and begin calling for a ban on circumcision. What happens when, and if, circumcision is declared illegal and considered a criminal offense? Will anyone resist and will anybody care? It is not a good sign that some Jewish mothers of today are making it a point to leave their own sons uncircumcised. History tells us that, almost two centuries before Christianity, this exact same phenomenon began to occur among the Hellenized Jews. At one point, the Greek rulers of Israel, along with their mainly homosexual, tyrannical Jewish allies, boldly made circumcision a crime punishable by death in order to destroy Judaism. Any Jewish mothers caught with circumcised male infants had their own babies tied around their necks and were then thrown down from a wall to their deaths. It should not be surprising that, among these same Greeks, and later the Romans, the practice of pedophilia (pederasty) was very common, socially accepted, and perfectly legal. State-sponsored and tax-funded temples dedicated to Venus, the so-called goddess of love, included little boys and little girls being forcibly used as temple prostitutes and sex slaves.

In contrast, Jewish law condemned pedophilia and made it a capital offense. The Babylonian Talmud states quite clearly: ‘Pederasty is punished by [death].’ (Nezikin III, Sanhedrin 54a) Though it may have taken centuries, the Christian religion eventually imposed a Jewish code of sexual morality upon the entire Roman Empire, and all its citizens, that made child prostitution, along with pedophilia, a heinous crime. Many other perverted practices were also prohibited including rape, incest, bestiality, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexuality, sodomy, fellatio, prostitution, pornography and masturbation. Regardless of St. Paul’s reluctant tolerance, this Christian code of moral law should now include circumcision as a common, perhaps even required, practice among all Christians world-wide. Pedophilia should be a crime, not circumcision.

Studying history carefully, I must admit to sensing a modern conspiracy against Christianity, most especially the Roman Catholic Church. During the French Revolution, hundreds of unarmed monks and priests were murdered, nuns were raped, and Churches were transformed into pagan, and even Satanic, temples where midnight orgies were held with whores spreading their legs right upon the altar. Stalin continued in this hate-filled tradition by executing and imprisoning thousands of priests and monks, as well as dozens of Rabbis. In Western Europe, 600 priests were murdered in less than a month during the Spanish Civil War. Adolph Hitler mockingly dismissed Christianity as just another ‘Jewish swindle’ and sent quite a few priests, monks and nuns to the death camps to work and die alongside the Jews. Communist China continues to persecute Christians on a daily basis. Sad to say, Christianity and the Church have been badly damaged in France, Russia, Spain and Germany. It is being choked to death in China. I had just been contemplating this perplexing anti-Christian conspiracy when I first discovered the eye below the pyramid.
The incident, if you want to call it that, happened late one night. I was just sitting there, still totally confused about what the eye above the pyramid represented, when I pulled out a dollar bill to look at it. I suddenly turned the dollar bill upside down and, for the first time, truly looked at the eye below the pyramid. For some reason, it seemed like the eye was staring straight back at me as if it were actually seeing me. Someone, who was somewhere else, was somehow looking, through this eye below the pyramid, directly at me. Never being easily scared before, I nonetheless found this very frightening. As Nietzsche once warned, ‘When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.’ I nervously looked away for several minutes and then, after gaining enough courage, I looked at the eye below the pyramid yet again. It still seemed to be looking straight at me. This incident may be quite similar to what Moses experienced when he encountered the burning bush.

An angel of the LORD appeared to him in fire flaming out of
a bush. As he looked on, he was surprised to see that the bush,
though on fire, was not consumed. So Moses decided, ‘I must go
over to look at this remarkable sight, and see why the bush is
not burned.’

- Exodus 3:2-3

A few days, then weeks, then months went by and I started to forget about the incident. I had by then basically decided that the eye below the pyramid was, in fact, the eye of the Devil. This was mainly because it had scared the wits out of me the first time I saw it. Upon first impression, the eye’s expression looked kind of mean, possibly even dangerous. Even so, it only took a few more years for me to change my mind completely about the eye below the pyramid. I have now concluded that, if I were ever forced to decide, I would choose the eye above the pyramid as Satan, the bad guy, and the eye below the pyramid as God, the good guy. Over time, I also began to realize that, during the initial encounter, the eye below had been trying, like with Moses, to tell me, ‘I am the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Rabbi Jesus, the God of Roman Catholicism, the God of your Baptism and the God of your Confirmation.’ I’d just been too startled to understand this at the time.

In particular, and after thorough study of the Bible, I have decided that, given no other choices, the eye above the pyramid is the one and only Mark of Cain that God placed upon Cain’s forehead after being banished for murdering his brother Abel. Furthermore, I have come to believe that the eye above the pyramid is the actual Mark of the Beast (666) as well. This is because, in reality, the Mark of Cain and the Mark of the Beast are the exact same symbol.

Notice that, in the Book of Genesis, the death of Cain or any of his descendants is never even mentioned, while the exact age of death is carefully noted for everyone else? Did Cain or any of his sons ever really die or are they still alive? Could it also be possible that Cain is, in fact, the Beast or the Devil? The following chart shows the clear connections between these two marks.

Aspect of Beast: Old Testament --> New Testament
The Mark of the Beast: So the LORD put a mark on Cain, lest anyone should kill him at sight. (Genesis 4:15) --> It forced all the people…to be given a mark on their right hand or their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the mark of the beast. (Revelation 13:16-17)
The Number of the Beast: The gold that Solomon received every year weighed 666 gold talents. (I Kings 10:14) --> This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666. (Revelation 13:18)

On the other hand, the eye below the pyramid probably symbolizes Abel, the lamb slain since the foundation of the world. As the Bible states: ‘Your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground.’ (Genesis 4:11) It is also the actual 'seal of the living God' placed upon the foreheads of 144,000 male virgins chosen from the 12 tribes of Israel.

‘Then I saw another angel…holding the seal of the living God.
He cried out in a loud voice to the four angels…‘Do not damage
the land or the sea or the trees until we put the seal on the
foreheads of the servants of our God.’ I heard the number of those
who had been marked with the seal, one hundred and forty-four
thousand marked from every tribe of the Israelites.

- Revelation 7:2-4

Medical science tells us that, for whatever reason, our eyes actually see everything upside down. The brain is then required to reverse the images it receives, thus resulting in normal visual perception. With that in mind, take notice that 666 is 999 upside down. Legend states that Christ was crucified with three 9 inch metal nails. The Beatles also mention this number on their White Album when they chant, ‘Number 9, Number 9, Number 9.’ This tradition is also why the American Rock band calls itself Nine Inch Nails.

A careful reading of Revelation, as well as some common sense, should lead one to suspect that the ‘Mark of the Beast’ and the ‘Seal of the Living God’ must be probably complete, polar opposites in appearance, just like the letters W and M or the numbers 6 and 9. The eye above the pyramid and the eye below the pyramid meet those requirements. Skeptics may be quick to remind you that these two different marks mentioned in the Bible could, in fact, be an entirely different set of symbols. After years of study and research, I no longer believe in that possibility. In fact, I would even claim that both of these symbols are as old as time and have been seen and understood throughout history. Without a doubt, the Mark of Cain is the Mark of the Beast and is represented by the eye above the pyramid- the calm, deceitful eye of Cain who was ‘a murderer from the beginning [and] when he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of all lies.’ (John 8:44) Similarly, the eye below the pyramid is the Seal of the Living God and is representative of Abel’s outrage over being murdered. It can’t be that simple, some would say. Believe it or not, it may well be that simple. Readers are free to disagree with these conclusions.

Regardless of those particular issues, there are many other reasons for concluding that the eye above the pyramid symbolizes the bad guy. First, it obviously represents the Egyptian enslavement of the Hebrews during the time of Moses when they were forced to build monuments for dead people, including pyramids. As the Bible states: ‘And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field.’ (Exodus 1:14) The Israelites never built pyramids, they built in squares, including their tents. In comparison, the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans all built pyramids and also practiced Satanic human sacrifice and cannibalism on an unprecedented scale. Because of this history, the eye above the pyramid is not symbolic of freedom, but of slavery.

Second, the eye above is located on top of an Egyptian pyramid, traditionally a monument to the dead. Therefore this eye would represent, not the eye of the living God, but the eye of a dead Pharaoh still attempting to rise up from the dead and rule from beyond the grave. With that in mind, this eye represents not life, but death. Remember, the God of Israel ‘is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.’ (Luke 20:38)

Third, there is plenty of modern slang that is derogatory and that specifically refers to the eye above the pyramid in an insulting, rebellious manner. Many would say that it stands for being uppity, like some snot with their nose in the air, who believes they are above it all, even above the law. It is not having a high IQ, it’s simply being an air-head. It certainly does not symbolize Lenin’s ‘commanding heights of the economy,’ On the contrary, it’s a bullshit pyramid scheme, a tall tale nearing bankruptcy. Instead of being a sign of financial stability, it is a clear indication that you are about to go belly-up! It is not being on top of the situation, but simply another way of deliberately overlooking major difficulties, hoping they will magically go away. In short, the eye above the pyramid stands for little more than dangerous arrogance and self-destructive pride.

At worst, the eye above the pyramid is a pie in the sky, head in the clouds, high-minded Ponzi scheme and it stinks like high heaven. At best, it is foolishly putting your ass out on a line for no one in particular and for no particular reason except, of course, to make yourself look like a hero in front of others. Some may be frightened or even intimidated by this so-called New World Order but, behind the facade, it is simply an infantile game of ‘look at my butt’ or ‘kiss my ass’ that only filthy-minded people like to play. As the ole’ Southern song recommends: ‘Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland.’

At the same time, one could claim that the eye below the pyramid does not always mean scraping the bottom of the barrel, being down and out, in the pits, or buried six feet under. Instead, it stands for grass roots, down to earth virtues, or even a bottom-up approach to deep-seated problems. In many ways, the eye below is an undervalued solution that, like buried treasure, lies just underneath the surface. It symbolizes the underlying universal truths, the root causes of goodness that touch us deep down, from the bottom of our hearts. We can’t all be top dog, so there’s nothing wrong with cheering for the underdog most of the time. The eye below the pyramid is almost certainly the reason why the nation of Australia is nicknamed the Land Down Under. Wise business owners and investors refer to it as ‘the bottom line.’ In many ways, the eye below the pyramid represents a real hero, who would never dare to commit high crimes and misdemeanors or stage a mutiny at high seas, but would gladly disobey unjust laws to fight the good fight for the down-trodden, much like the white Yankee northerners who helped to hide escaped slaves as a part of the Underground Railroad.

The eye above the pyramid has an expression that, when studied carefully, seems stuck-up as opposed to the righteous anger and jealousy found in the eye below the pyramid. ‘For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God.’ (Exodus 20:5) A classic Rock song captures the upper crust, uptight, snobbishness this eye seems to express as it gazes out from the heights of wealth and power, a classic example of what Hannah Arendt referred to as the ‘banality of evil.’

I am the eye in the sky. Looking at you, I can read your
mind. I am the maker of rules dealing with fools, I can cheat
you blind.

- Eye in the Sky, by the Allan Parsons Project

In addition, there are several Biblical passages strongly suggesting that the eye above the pyramid is the real bad guy. It does not, in any way, represent Ronald Reagan’s ‘shining city upon a hill’ nor a ‘light unto the gentiles’ nor God’s ‘holy mountain’ as mentioned by Isaiah and several other prophets of Israel. Seen literally, it is nothing more than a man-made structure, a tomb for the dead tyrant Pharaoh, not Mount Sinai. The pertinent Biblical verses include the following:

You [Lucifer] said in your heart: "I will scale the heavens, above
the stars of God I will set up my throne; I will take my seat on the
Mount of Assembly, in the recesses of the North. I will ascend
above the tops of the clouds; I will be like the Most High!" Yet
down to the nether world you go, to the recesses of the pit!

- Isaiah 14:13-15

Upon a high and lofty mountain you made your bed, and there
you went up to offer sacrifice. Behind the door and the doorpost
you placed your indecent symbol. Deserting me, you spread out
your high, wide bed, and of those whose embraces you love you
carved the symbol and gazed upon it…While you sent your
ambassadors far away, down even to the nether world.

- Isaiah 57:7-9

Beware! I am against you, destroying mountain, destroyer of the
entire earth, says the LORD; I will stretch forth my hand against
you, roll you down over the cliffs, and make you a burnt mountain.
They will not take from you a cornerstone, or a foundation stone;
ruins forever shall you be, says the LORD.

- Jeremiah 51:25-26

There also seems to be considerable evidence that quite a few individuals have been well aware of the eye below the pyramid and that both symbols are thousands of years old. The astonishing influence of these two symbols can be seen throughout the English language. Even today, they continue to shape the creation of new words and phrases, including modern terms such as: corporate downsizing, upscale apartments, rock bottom prices, top of the line merchandise, getting paid under the table or having a high-end job. Here are just a few, obvious examples:

Topic --> Eye Above, Eye Below
Standard --> Above standard, Below standard
Technology --> High tech, Low tech
Internet --> Log on, Log off
Urban --> Uptown, Downtown
Class --> High class, Low class
Greetings --> What’s up?, What’s going down?
Self-control --> Lighten up, Calm down
Patience --> Wait up!, Slow down!
Qualify --> Above all, it was wrong, At bottom, it was wrong

The original authors of the Bible, as well as many of its main characters, were most surely familiar with these two symbols. Moses certainly must have known about them. Why else would he have used the expression an ‘eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?’ (Deuteronomy 19:21) King David and his contemporaries were most probably acquainted with them as well. Nothing else explains the following verse from Psalms:

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
By the LORD has this been done, it is wonderful in our eyes.

- Psalms 118:22-23

The prophet Isaiah was also quite aware of it. The eye below the pyramid is exactly what he is referring to in the passage: ‘See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, a precious cornerstone as a sure foundation. He who puts his faith in it will not be shaken.’ (Isaiah 28:16) Remember, cornerstones are the very first stones put into the ground, placed there at the beginning of the foundations. Capstones are the last stones put at the very top. Logically speaking, only the eye below the pyramid could possibly represent a cornerstone.

It is also fairly obvious that Rabbi Jesus knew full well about the eye below the pyramid. Why else would He have emphasized and repeated the same passage from Psalms, warning his listeners: ‘Everyone who falls on that stone will be dashed to pieces, and it will crush anyone on whom it falls’? (Luke 20:18) In addition to this, both the Apostles Peter and Paul also specifically refer to these same verses from Psalms in their own New Testament letters. They compare ‘the stone the builders rejected’ to Jesus who was crucified (rejected), yet through His resurrection became the cornerstone of an entirely new religion. In other words, it is the eye below the pyramid that most represents Christianity and not the eye above the pyramid. Likewise, Rabbi Jesus was clearly referring to the eye below the pyramid when He told Peter, ‘You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.’ (Matthew 16:18) Keep in mind that Peter was crucified upside down by the Romans.

Legend also states that this symbol represents a circumcised penis with the eye symbolizing the circumcised tip of the organ. In particular, the eye below the pyramid is a G-rated substitute for Noah’s flaccid, circumcised penis which Ham saw by accident. He then told his two brothers Shem and Japheth that their father had no foreskin. This angered Noah who had planned on teaching his sons the ancient Divine traditions first before having them circumcise themselves. Many of these traditions, which included a secret explanation about the two eyes of the pyramid, dated back to the time of Abel who had also circumcised himself before being murdered by his uncircumcised brother Cain. Using both symbols also helps to explain what Scriptures is actually talking about in the following passage:

Eye Above Verse --> Eye Below Verse --> Eye Above Verse (Bible)

I. The alien residing among you will rise higher and higher above you while --> you sink lower and lower. He will lend to you, not you to him. --> He will become the head, you the tail. (Deuteronomy 28:43-44)
II. For the LORD is the great God, the great king over all gods, --> whose hand holds the depths of the earth, --> who owns the tops of the mountains. (Psalms 95:3-4)
III. Raise a glad cry you heavens, the LORD has done this. --> Shout you depths of the earth. --> Break forth, you mountains, into song. (Isaiah 44:23)
IV. You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. --> Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket. --> It is set on a lamp stand, where it gives light to all in the house. (Matthew 5:14-15)
V. The one who comes from above is above all. --> The one who is of the earth is earthy…but --> the one who comes from heaven is above all. (John 3:31)

The use of these two symbols, the eye above and the eye below the pyramid, as a method of both analysis and explanation is most certainly related to what Marxists used to call dialectical materialism. It is high time that more and more individuals become familiarized with the eye below the pyramid and the fact that it too has a very long history and meaning to it. Along with the prophets, Roman Catholic historian Carroll Quigley almost certainly knew about the symbol. He makes it fairly obvious in the following passage:

In each country the supply of money took the form of an
inverted pyramid or cone balanced on its point. In the
point was a supply of gold and its equivalent certificates; on
the intermediate level was a much larger supply of notes and
at the top, with an open and expandable upper surface, was
an even greater supply of deposits.

- Tragedy & Hope, by Caroll Quigley, p.54

The Rabbis who wrote the Babylonian Talmud were also familiar with both symbols. Nothing else explains the repeated saying: ‘The native would be in the earth and the stranger in the highest heavens? Yes, the like has found his like and is aroused.’ (Mo’ed II, ‘Erubin 9a) Note that placing the two pyramids, or triangles, together creates a Star of David. For centuries, numerous Christians have used this star as a hex to drive off demons and other evil spirits. Traditionally in Judaism the upright triangle stands for Heaven, the inverted triangle for the Earth, while putting both together symbolizes Heaven and Earth, a golden age of peace and prosperity for all. Using this same technique, it becomes easier to understand certain concepts and phrases from historically significant people. The following chart is a sampling of this eye for an eye type of analysis.

Idea (Individual): Eye Above --> Eye Below --> Both Eyes (Star of David)
Philosophy (Hegel): Thesis --> Antithesis --> Hypothesis
Psychology (Freud): Id --> Superego --> Ego
Judaism (Rabbi Hillel): If I am not for myself, who will be? --> If I am not for others, what am I? --> If not now, when?
Christianity (Rabbi Jesus, Mark 3:23-4): How can Satan --> Cast out Satan? If a kingdom is --> divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
Mysticism (Meister Eckhart): The eye by which I see God is the --> same as the eye by which God sees me. --> My eye and God’s eye are one and the same.
Music (The Rolling Stones): There’s heads, --> There’s tails, just call me Lucifer --> And I’m in need of some restraint.

Hopefully by now I have managed to convince you that the eye below the pyramid is quite real, meaningful, and most certainly not a coincidence. Taken as a whole, this age-old riddle of the Founding Fathers is far more than meets the eye. Keep in mind that both eyes are symbolic of the pagan principle: ‘As above, so below.’ In particular, the Bible itself makes far more sense once you’ve been made aware of the eye below the pyramid. Many Scriptural verses refer to one or both pyramids on numerous occasions. Personally, I still cannot truly explain how or why I first recognized this symbol. I do remain confident, however, that my initial encounter was, in fact, a supernatural event- a sign from the Holy Ghost. So, even though I cannot prove it as an empirical fact, the evidence indicates that the eye below the pyramid has been known for millennia and remains one of history’s better kept secrets. Go tell the world until isn’t a secret anymore.

At bottom, this symbol is neither the evil eye, nor the troll under the bridge, nor the monster under the bed. It is simply a part of both Judaism and Christianity. The Jewish Torah states: ‘The God of your father…blesses you, with the blessings of the heavens above, [and] the blessings of the abyss that crouches below.’ (Genesis 49:25) Just as the New Testament proclaims: ‘I Jesus…am the root and the branch of David. I am the bright, morning star.’ (Revelation 22:16) Even children can understand these adult concepts intuitively, as in the nursery rhyme: ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star A. How I wonder where you are.’ Remember your dreams, now and forever.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jews and the Religion of Judaism

St. Peter's Cross, Part II.

Jesus said unto all, 'If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.' Luke 9:23

Where does the words Jew and Judaism come from? Many people, including some Jews, would be unable to answer that question. The word Jew is an abbreviated form of the name Judah, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob and great-grandson of the Patriarch Abraham. Jews and Judaism are traditionally linked to the tribe of Judah, the lion, one of the twelve tribes of Israel whose ancestral lands surrounded the capital of Jerusalem. After the golden age of King David and King Solomon, the united kingdom of Israel collapsed into two separate kingdoms called Judea and Israel.

The tribe of Judah stayed true to the religion originally established by Moses, while the ten northern tribes of Israel reverted to paganism and were eventually destroyed and scattered by its enemies. The tribe of Judah, represented by the nation of Judea, managed to survive this onslaught. In time, however, they too were invaded and shipped off to the Babylonian Empire as slaves. Staying true to their religious roots, even in exile, they were finally allowed to resettle Jerusalem and the surrounding area. Most, if not all, Jews of today trace their blood lineage to the tribe of Judah and not to the lost ten tribes of Israel. The direct ancestry of Jews can be described as follows:

Adam -- Noah -- Shem -- Abraham -- Jacob -- Judah -- Jesus -- Modern Jews

Many observers still remain confused by the term Jew. Is it an ethnicity or a religious affiliation? Most scholars would say both. Anyone who follows the religion of Judaism is a Jew, just as any individual born of a Jewish mother is also called a Jew. One could have pure Scandinavian or African heritage and still be a Jew through conversion. Jews can also be Pagan, or even Satanic, as well as uncircumcised as long as their mother was of Jewish blood. In short, the word Jew has two definitions. It is both a religious and ethnic term that depends on how it is utilized.

With that in mind, it is difficult to generalize about what Jewish reality is actually about. Is it a religious or ethnically based outlook? The answer, quite simply, is both. This has been the bane for many Jews throughout the ages, mostly because some Jews have taken it upon themselves to propagate ideas that are antithetical to the religion of Judaism. Several Jews, none of whom were religious, have publicly advocated anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish, policies that have caused Gentile Christians to deceitfully blame all the Jews in retaliation. Such is the paradox, and danger, of the word Jew. A very hurtful joke among Gentiles has been that they are quite glad not to be God’s Chosen People- chosen to be spat upon and despised. For the purposes of simplicity, the words Jew and Jewish shall refer to those who adhere to the religion of Judaism. According to the Holy Bible, Jews are God’s Chosen People and subject to laws that others are not required to obey. These include circumcision, kosher food requirements, along with a host of other rules that have been followed by the descendants of Judah since the time of Moses. In all, there are 613 commandments to the religion of Judaism.

There is more to Jewish reality than just this however. Apparently, Jews are commanded by God to impose, one way or another, the Seven Laws of Noah upon the entire human race. Besides for Christianity, this is the one and only Jewish conspiracy of any real importance and the Roman Catholic Church supports it without hesitation. These seven laws, as dictated by God, are as follows:

Seven Universal Laws of God

I. You will not commit idolatry.
II. You will not murder.
III. You will not steal.
IV. You will not commit sexual perversion.
V. You will not commit blasphemy.
VI. You will not eat the flesh of a living animal.
VII. You will establish courts to enforce these laws.

Some contend that the religion of Judaism, as with Christianity, is a thing of the past and will, in time, fade away to become yet another historical footnote. Others, mainly Protestant Christians, are ecstatic about the massive intermarriage that is taking place between Jews and Gentiles and the slow, but steady conversion rate to Christianity that is also happening among American Jews. Those who have seen the statistics are supremely confident that, outside of Israel, most Jews will be Christian by the end of this century. Are the Jews on the road to extinction? Not exactly.

Right now there are three main denominations of Judaism. They are called Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism. The vast majority of intermarriage and conversion to Christianity is occurring in the Conservative and Reform communities, not in the Orthodox. What is most likely to happen is that Jewish reality, far from disappearing, will experience a revival that will turn many Jews towards the oldest and most authentic form of Judaism called Orthodoxy. This type of Judaism has long viewed both Conservative and Reform Judaism as blasphemy and heresy, just as devout Roman Catholics have often regarded Protestant Christianity in a similar manner. It should be remembered that Jesus was an Orthodox Jew. There was really no other actual form of Judaism at the time.

Many Jews will contend that Orthodoxy descends directly from Moses and his teachings, similar to the way Roman Catholicism comes straight from the actual Apostles and disciples of Rabbi Jesus. It is not so much that Orthodox Judaism deserves to survive is that it will survive, which is how the Church wants it. This isn’t a popularity contest. To both of them, Reform and Conservative Jews were, and are, heretics who are destined to either fall away from actual Judaism or be reconverted to the one true faith of Orthodox Judaism, which in fairness should simply be called Judaism. The ranks of Orthodoxy will grow in number both in Israel and in the United States due to conversion and the large number of children found in Orthodox families. Reform and Conservative Judaism will continue to dwindle away as the years go by.

Jewish reality will, in fact, become smaller and more Orthodox, but there will also emerge a new Jewish-Christian reality never seen before in history except during the days of the early Church. It is an astonishing phenomenon that will quite likely continue well into the next century. This is unlikely to be interrupted by any anti-Semitic backlash as was the case in Weimar Germany and Imperial Spain. The reason, of course, is that this time the Gentiles are peacefully welcoming, rather than violently demanding, Jewish conversion to Christianity. The tremendous amount of intermarriage is also helping to stabilize the situation. Assimilation was possible before, this time it is inevitable. At the same time, Orthodox Jewish reality, like the diamonds they specialize in, won’t be going away anytime soon. As the Bible states:

Only a few of you will be left among the

nations where the LORD will lead you.

- Deuteronomy 4:27

Basic Jewish reality bears an astonishing resemblance to what many would mistakenly call Christian reality. Those who know their history might well contend that for the past two thousand years this reality was often preached, but seldom practiced, except by the Jews themselves. Christian anti-Semitism, a menace that will hopefully go extinct very soon, has kept Christians from acting towards Jews as God has commanded. The commandments are very explicit about how to treat others and hopefully Christians will begin to obey them. This is not to say that all Jews at all times have obeyed them, but the nonviolent, peaceful actions of the vast majority of unarmed Jews throughout the centuries speak for themselves. Christians have been violent bullies towards the Jews for far too long and will hopefully begin to obey what many Jews consider to be the three most important commandments in the Bible. They are as follows:

Commandment: Scripture (Source)
Love of God: You shall love the LORD your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
might. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
Love of Neighbor: You shall love your neighbor as
yourself. I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:18)
Love of Stranger: You shall love the stranger as
yourself...I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:34)

Jewish reality, so often a source of pain, disappointment, despair and suffering is about to change. It has been changing since 1945. Hitler and the Nazis lost the war and, more importantly, they lost the debate about how to solve the Jewish ‘problem’. The problem was not with the Jews, it was with the Gentiles and their inability to act like their LORD and savior Rabbi Jesus did by forgiving them. As Jesus Himself said while suffering on the cross, ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Will Jewish reality survive acceptance and tolerance rather than persecution? Some contend that without the hatred and disdain of the Gentiles, Jews will assimilate rapidly and Judaism will fade away until there are none left to practice it. Others contend that history is simply returning to an age-old reality that the Jews were, and are destined to be, God’s chosen people and ‘a light unto the Gentiles’.

For you are a people holy to the LORD
your God; the LORD
your God has chosen
you out of all peoples on earth to be His
people, His treasured possession.

- Deuteronomy 7:6

In the future, as in the past, Jews will return to being a noble, honorable, dignified people rather than the cringing, pathetic stereotypes caused by centuries of Christian hatred and abuse. The return of the Jewish gentleman, respected throughout Gentile society, has just started and will continue indefinitely.

Roman Catholicism, the Cornerstone of Christianity.

St. Peter's Cross, Part I.

You are Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

St. Peter's Cross is a Roman Catholic set of articles that emphasizes the distinctly Catholic traditions of the Maccabees along with the Roman Catholic Church's continued 2,000 year-old faith in the age-old Hebrew traditions which are described throughout both the Old and New Testament. Because of the detailed sophistication and complexity found in numerous sections of the Holy Bible, most believers may well find it impossible to understand them without interpretation and discussion from Biblical scholars. The Maccabee Catholic Church sees itself as the Temple of Jerusalem in exile, yet still managing to survive and prosper throughout the world until the Second Coming of Joshua the Messiah.

The Cornerstone of Catholicism
Probably the most important aspect of Catholic reality, the one that Protestants hysterically deny, is that the Roman Catholic Church was, and still is, the original and most authentic form of Christianity. It is Christianity. This comes from the Gospels themselves thus making Protestants not only wrong by tradition, but wrong by the very Word of God. Rabbi Jesus tells Peter that he is destined to found a Church that will eventually take over the whole world and that he, and he alone, not Paul, is to be known as the founder and leader of all Christianity.

I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give
you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven.

- Matthew 16:18-20

Nothing in the Gospels, absolutely nothing, predicts, foresees, or approves of such a thing known as Protestant Christianity. For Catholics, they are still heretics who must be reconverted to the one, true faith. Catholic reality is the dominant reality of the Western world. No other reality, except perhaps for Islamic reality, has as many adherents and fellow worshippers. Jewish reality, with less than 20 million, is only 2% of Roman Catholicism’s one billion people. Not to belittle it, but its numbers hardly signify as a competitor faith. There are more Roman Catholic Churches in more countries than any other Church or international organization ever known. For this reason, the Church is the most multi-racial institution in the history of the world. The foundation of Roman Catholicism consists of the Ten Commandments, the LORD’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s (Nicene) Creed. To begin with, the Ten Commandments, as understood by the Church, are as follows:

I. I am the LORD your God. You will have no other gods but me.
II. You will not use the name of the LORD in vain.
III. You will honor the Sabbath day.
IV. You will honor your father and mother.
V. You will not kill.
VI. You will not commit adultery
VII. You will not steal.
VIII. You will not lie.
IX. You will not envy your neighbor’s wife.
X. You will not envy your neighbor’s property.

The LORD’s prayer and the Apostle’s Creed also play a large part in the theology of the Church. The LORD’s prayer is considered to be the prayer most suited in celebrating the message of Rabbi Jesus and has, in time, become the most fundamental Christian prayer of them all. Indeed, it is these verses Jesus recites in the Gospels when asked for an example on how to pray to God. The Apostle’s Creed, similar to the much longer Nicene Creed, dates back to around the 3rd century A.D. and has been the basic set of beliefs for all Roman Catholics since that time. Both the Creed and the LORD’s prayer are listed as follows:

The LORD’s Prayer
Our Father, who is in Heaven, Holy is Your Name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,on Earth as
it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and
forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One. AMEN

The Apostle’s Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN

Roman Catholicism also includes the Seven Sacraments, rituals used since the days of the early Church fathers. Each of them is considered holy and sacred aspects of the faith, which are permanent and not subject to change over time.

Jesus said unto all, 'If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.' Luke 9:23

Roman Catholics are taught to avoid the Seven Deadly Sins that may lead to damnation and to act according to the Seven Virtues that are necessary for salvation. These three parts of the faith, 777, can be listed as follows:

SEVEN Sacraments
I. Baptism
II. Communion
III. Confession
IV. Confirmation
V. Matrimony
VI. Ordination
VII. Anointing

SEVEN Deadly Sins (Latin), SEVEN Contrary Virtue (Latin)
I. Lust (Luxuria), Chastity (Castitas)
II. Gluttony (Gula), Temperance (Temperantia)
III. Greed (Avaritia), Charity (Caritas)
IV. Sloth (Acedia), Diligence (Industria)
V. Wrath (Ira), Patience (Patientia)
VI. Envy (Invidia), Kindness (Humanitas)
VII. Pride (Superbia), Humility (Humilitas)

The elements of the Church, which include the Ten Commandments (Law), the LORD’s prayer (Prayer), the Apostle’s Creed (Doctrine), the Seven Sacraments (Ritual), Deadly Sins (Evil), and Virtues (Good), provide the basic structure of Roman Catholicism today and in the future. Calls for changing any of them would be construed as blasphemy and heresy, not because they are hopelessly outdated, but because they don’t need to be changed. All of them are based upon Scriptures and are not simply ‘Roman’ traditions that are alien to the true Christian faith as some Protestants would have you believe.

Contemporary observers of the Church, some of whom remain unbelievably deluded and implacably hostile towards this institution, actually believe it is possible, or likely, that the Church will eventually change its position on fundamental issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexual perversion, and female priests. They mistakenly believe that they have all the answers to these so-called problems and that their vision of the future, instead of the Church’s, will prevail. Given the fact that these critics have only been around since the 1960s and are going to die soon makes the Church highly confident that Catholic reality will triumph over any other alternative reality.

Today’s New Age values of tolerance for sexual degeneration and intolerance for female virginity does not scare or frighten the Church which is nearly 2,000 years old. The reason why is that the Church knows, for a fact, that true believers in God and Christianity will always out-reproduce nonbelievers. When it comes down to it, Christians will always outbreed the pagans, the agnostics, and the atheists. The future, as well as the past and the present, is Roman Catholic. Those who disagree should remember that, no matter what they say or what they do, they will always be outnumbered. In the end, Roman Catholic reality has already won.